Registry for Fanconi Anaemia in India
Fanconi Anaemia
Aims and Plans of REFAIN
Physician's Proforma
Contact Us
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What should a physician do when FA is suspected?
Click on the following to download and save the Proforma:
Physician's Proforma - Printable PDF
Once downloaded, open it and take a print out of the proforma.
Kindly fill the proforma as accurately as possible and send it to the registry by post.
Do confirmatory test for FA, if possible
Management of the patient will be in the hands of the treating physician
Our Address is:
Dr. Revathi Raj
Paediatric Haematologist
Apollo Speciality Hospital
320 'Padma Complex'
Anna Salai
Chennai - 600035
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© 2006-2008 Registry for Fanconi Anaemia in India. All Rights Reserved.